Saturday, January 28, 2006

Updated Website for January/Winter

Hey. It's really late, but I updated my website, The Between Friends Newzletter, for January. There is some neat stuff on there. I added music, and some new links stuff. Go ahead and check it out :):)


PS:I have a page for Christian reading/articles, and another for more reading, recipes, Bible verses, and sometimes jokes. The other pages are for my statement of beliefs, the monthly columns of Ray Comfort and Kirk Cameron, and an "Extra" page for my article of the month.

A lot of people are intimidated by the extensive reading I have, and the different pages. Don't sweat it! Copy the articles and paste it into a text file to print and read later.

Also, feel free to save my web pages to your computer to read at your leisure. Just go to "File" then "Save As" in your web browser. The best way to save it is as an archive (.mht) format. This way you don't have the separate corresponding folder for the pictures and other files that can get lost or changed if rename or move the file.

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