"Out of the depths I have cried to You, O LORD; Lord, hear my voice! Let Your ears be attentive To the voice of my supplications.
"If You, LORD, should mark iniquities, O Lord, who could stand? But there is forgiveness with You, That You may be feared."
Psalm 130:1-4
I understand that God is to be feared, and I understand most the reasons, but how is Him having forgiveness one of them? The verse above it says that if God were to "mark" iniquities no one would be able to stand. So, I guess the reason is that, even though He has the power to judge us for every sin we do, even after we are saved, He doesn't.
Maybe an example could be this: Let's say you work for a really large corporation, and you really mess up on some paper work making them lose the opportunity to make hundreds of thousands of dollars. You're called to your boss' office, and you think you're dead (fired). But, he says it's okay, he'll let it go, no questions asked. Wouldn't you have respect for him and be very grateful? But, maybe you would also fear him, because you realize even more that you might do something to make him actually fire you, and you'll be more careful. It'll hit you that it's highly possible that you could lose your job eventually. You'll be much more aware of how you are doing things. He still has the power to fire you, and if he wanted to he could even use the mistake against you in the future.
Something else that might happen is that you will be so grateful for what your boss did for you that you will try to work harder, make his job easier. You would be kind to him, and because you respect him, he would respect you even more and every day think to himself that he made the right choice keeping you. In the end you would gain more than you had before!
So, I still don't understand 100% how it really works, but at least I put it out there. Maybe it can't really be explained.... Maybe you have to experience it. I don't know for sure.
~Kristina Y.
July 16, 2004
That's a really good thought Kristy.
Yes, very good thought, Kristina. It makes sense to see it that way. The fear of God, is important for every man to have...because that fear will keep a person from falling into sin.
Indeed, it is very important to remember what God did for us, moment by moment and second by second.
But, some do forget (or choose to temporarily forget), and justify themselves on the inside by thinking that God is forgiving, and will not mind this moment of sin.
It is as though some can use the freedom of choice and secure salvation, as a reason to sin occasionally, and even frequently.
With that said. What if someone said something like this to you:
"Hey, I'm saved. And, no one can take my salvation away from me according to the Bible, so why do I need to stop doing this? So, stop judging me...I have a guaranteed spot!"
Love in Christ,
(PS- It's good to find and read more writings from you. I didn't notice them before. I will look more throughly with what I do for now on, as a lesson learned.)
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