Friday, June 18, 2010


Everyone thinks they are a critic. They seem to think that if they say something (or lots of things) negative about a movie, TV show or band, that they are better than those who actually like it.

You can probably already tell that this post is going to be somewhat of a rant, but, I really have to get this off my chest.

There are probably more movies, TV shows and bands that I don't like than those that I do like. Yet, somehow, I manage to NOT seek out ways to declare my dislike of them to the world.

Whether it's Facebook fan pages, YouTube comments, or Hulu reviews, you will see "critics" everywhere. These people actually take time out of their lives to seek out things they DON'T LIKE in order to insult them! As if there isn't enough negativity in this world already.

People, please don't waste your time (or mine) complaining about how watching a movie or TV show is a waste of time. Don't make others feel bad because listening to the music they like makes you feel bad. Don't spread poison because you are bitter. Get a life and let others live theirs.

"In everything, do to others what you would have them do to you." -Matthew 7:12

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